5 Year Anniversary

Welp, it’s my 5 year anniversary on the server, according to my forums account. So, yay, I guess.

I jest. Anyway, really have enjoyed the time that I’ve spent here. I like talking to the people here, and hanging out and chatting on TeamSpeak whilst on the server. This is pretty much the only server I’ve stayed on for over a month since I joined, and the only I’ve been on since maybe January or so. It’s, obviously, my favorite, in no small part due to the community that has built up around it. Was in junior high (middle school) when I joined, and am now a college freshman, as hard as it is for me to think about it that way, how much time has passed.

So yeah, thanks guys and gals, for everything. I really appreciate all the hard work that’s been put into this server, and the friends that I’ve made over the year. It’s been a hell of a 5 years, and I’m glad I could share it with y’all.

So grateful I got to meet you! <3 :-*

Yayy Happy 5 years!! I am so glad i have gotten to know you! You are one of the greatest! =)

Welcome to the Old as Fuck Club! It’s been a pleasure having you around, Josh.


congrats on 5 years grandpa Josh, its been great having you around and Im glad you’ve stayed so long

cheers to 5 more!!

 I have had an amazing time with you, Josh. You are an inseparable player on PCB. I hope for you to continue playing, and communicating, with me and everyone in PCB for more years to come. Congratulations on five years, and to continue for five years more!

Wow I feel young. Only been on two. Congrats with being able to put up with us for so fucking long.

Congratz, man, best luck for the next 10 years of PCBian!

It’s my one year anniversary in 2 days, so congrats, fellow PCBian, on reaching 5x as much time spent on the server as me!