4th of July, 2017

yes, I have an extremely high ego- especially today. I didn’t bother watching it because the title had “Germany” and “Low crime” in the same sentence, which must be a joke.

I am half-american.

This puts me in the position of being the only person on the planet who can say that the US has good parts and bad parts.

Good: e.g. Military (this is a huge one; it’s possibly why we don’t have to worry about wars here in western Europe), economy

Less Good: e.g. Healthcare, gun control, discrimination, environment.

But it’s the 4th of July. So I shall today forget about the bad things and let them blow themselves up with fireworks.

Unsure if trolling… or actually thinks this.

AMERICA FUCK YEAH! Happy 241st Anniversary of U.S independence, Joe. U.S rocks! xD

Oh nice but this is not any important date for the CONTINENT America. Is it?

As a geography student taking A-levels referring the United States as America literally hurts my eyes - using that term refers to the Americas so every Latin and American nation in north and South America.

That’s my geo-political rant over - happy 4th July

Monroe doctrine, our independence helped create yours

I’m also honors history, but “America” generally refers to the United States of America, meanwhile “Americas” refers to the continent(s)

Guys, stop hating on jmvvana, he’s only showing how proud he is on his country’s achievements, nothing wrong about that.

I like the USA a lot. It’s undoubtedly the world’s greatest nation, I mean, it’s the world’s leader in pretty much almost everything. American people are really hard-working. The thing I don’t like about the USA is how they make a big deal out of everything, like, guns are a huge problem there, whereas in the rest of the world they aren’t, why not? And the same goes with healthcare, it’s probably the only industrialised country without universal health care, why? Nevertheless, I like the country and I’d love to visit it one day.

Happy 4th of July!!

I would discuss these issues for another day. I will simply say to put aside the issues that embroil the nation seemingly everyday and enjoy Independence Day.

To all fellow Americans, Filipinos, and Rwandans, happy 4th of July.

To prevent more salt in this thread I am locking it. Thank-you to those who commented in this post with civility. Oh and Happy 4th of July :slight_smile: