40 degrees in Florida Today.

This is how me, A floridian, delt with 40 degree weather.

Granted this is overkill, but come on, I’m from Florida, I don’t know the definition of cold.

LOL. I live in Texas and I don’t go anywhere near that, although Florida is a bit hotter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cute… We dealt with -40 with windchill earlier. Wore a t-shirt and shorts cause I can.

Pie you rebel

We have people wearing summer clothes here during this weather, and everyone thinks they are crazy but really they are just form the north. Also btw, like I said, floridians don’t like cold.

Pff, +40F is nothing. We had to deal with -41C + windchill in the -50s at one point

As a South Carolinian currently staying in New York, I’m with ninja. F the cold.

It’s like 25 degrees in Canada. XD

How ridiculous!



I like the cold when it comes here in Texas. The summers are brutal. :frowning:

idk what you’re talking about Ninja. i thouroughly enjoyed the weather. i was out in a undershirt and basketball shorts drinking ice water

Lol. :stuck_out_tongue: