2 Year PCB-Versary :D

July 28, 2013 is the day I joined this lovely server. I have never thought I would be on a server this long tbh. It has been 2 years with you guys officially today. So much has changed since then, lots of new people coming and lots of people going. I am glad that I am apart of this awesome community. Cheers to 2 years and so many more to come guys! Love you all :)

       -Javi, [Formerly Javierero] PCB OP (Former Guest, Member, Donator, Trusted, Mod, Currently OP)

Congrats Javi!! You’re one of the reasons that PCB is so good, stay frosty for another few years man

Happy birthday!!
2 years is indeed very long…
Go to the next 2 years!

AWW your so sweet man <3

and thank you @florspeed :smiley:

Happy 2 years on PCB Javi! Making PCB a better place :smiley: Just missed out on Windows 10 XD

WOO! It’s mine and Kurry’s PCBversary on August 17th!

Woo!! :smiley: :smiley: ;D ;D
My buns shall celebrate with cake. 8)
To the next two years!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Date Registered: April 21, 2011, 02:04:12 pm

Cough, cough.

2 Years! woooo! Congrats! It feels like i’ve been here a lifetime and its only been just over 2 months xD Hope to see you around for much longer Javi!

Stay Groovy :o

Woooooo 2 year Hype Hype Hype! Confratzels!

omg go get starbucks to celebrate :smiley:

September 6.


“Happy anniversary! Your present? Go the fuck back to school!”

Mine’s on on August 11th! 8)

My 2 year anniversary is on March 19th.

my 1 year is on the 3rd of august

Already did :slight_smile:


:smiley: Yay! Let’s hope we can squeeze a few more years out of you yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Bruh, u really wanna do this? Come at me.

Congrats Javi

Ha, that’s cute. Both of you.

heh my 3 year anniversary was over 3 months ago. Dont worry i keep up…kindanotreallysorry

either way congrats