2 Little suggestions

1st Suggestion is to allow access for members to use the /afk command, since members have a very limited amount of commands, I do not understand why they cannot use /afk. It is just to mark when you’re away from your keyboard. If the player maybe uses it inappropriately e.g.: Spams the /afk command, there could be consequences like a 1 hour ban or taking away the /afk perms for 1 day .

2nd Suggestion is to add a Centralized Map Thread. For all players that need a map but aren’t the best at doing it or maybe do not have access to worldedit, then we could create this thread for players to ask for maps and if theyre lucky they could have someone do it for them.

Thanks for reading.

Have a nice day

1st suggestion: I agree with this. If it’s used for spam we can deal with the culprit the same as we deal with normal spam in chat.

2nd suggestion: I already had a forum thread a month or so ago where people posted what maps they wanted building and I did it for them but a centralised thread would make it more organised so I’m for this idea as well.

We took /afk away from members when it was discovered people were using it to save themselves from mobs in survival. It used to (maybe still does?) essentially put you in god mode when afk. People found out and abused it so we took it away.
If that’s changed, then we could give it back.

Ohh, Didn’t know that. I will try it out and see what happens.

yeah, we can run a few tests on that. If you are still invinsible in AFK mode, I’m against adding it back, but if you can be hurt then I’d support adding it. In the case where we do add it, make sure to include in the post that spamming it will lead to punishment such as a tempban. Why a tempban, that seems severe? Obviously kicking and muting would come before this (warnings aswell, that comes hand in hand), but I wouldnt give too many chances because spamming /afk not only makes that specific member look bad, it makes their entire rank look bad, therefore making the server itself look bad. its like on mineplex how if you meet a few staff members and theyre all assholes you assume every staff member is too. If a whole rank group on our server looks bad because of the actions of a few, the overall identity of the server does not reflect well, and we dont want that.

I went AFK at a mob farm once and came back to a death screen with all my items gone
I don’t think it protects you

I agree

Great for the suggestion, not so great for you…

How can I add a poll?

I think /afk will only protect you while you aren’t moving. If a mob/force moves you fast and far enough it will throw you out of afk.

About /afk, I think we could give it to members to test at least. If it goes wrong, we can remove it.

About map thread, we could have one indeed.


Any other people have any comments?

As far as the AFK thing goes, I’m not sure if anyone has tested it or not yet. The result will dictate whether that’s accepted or denied.

If you want to make a map thread, by all means, go ahead. That’s not the kind of thing you need staff input for – you’re a staff member anyways.


lmao thank you for the picture
Quite honestly, I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

1501 ,’:^)

Congrats :’) @MrFerf