2 Facts and a Lie

actually my dog is a breed that resembles a Dingo… and is bred with Dingos… but is not a Dingo.

I am however originally from Florida.a

Number one is a lie Liam, Billy is short for William, not Liam

AHA! You are all somewhat wrong.

My name is infact Irish for William, not Welsh. :stuck_out_tongue:
I do live in Ewloe
And AC3 was meh for me. It glitches too often and crashes on my ps3. Takes too long to get into for me.

Decided to make another one while waiting for more :stuck_out_tongue:

1)My favorite food it Italian (Other than pizza)
2)My two favorite games are Skyrim and Minecraft
3)My brother and I have subscriptions for World of Warcraft.

My lie was number two xD. It’s my second or third favourite. (it’s the capital of Burkina Faso!) My favourite city in the world is Hong Kong.

Josh: #1 cos you hate pizza.


  1. I am dropping out of school
  2. Some day I want to live in the USA
  3. My favorite type of books are crime novels.

Ruby: Not sure what the law is regarding school in your country, so I can’t be positive about my decision :stuck_out_tongue: But, I’m gonna have to go with #1. (ALSO: While a lot of my fellow Americans complain about our country, all in all it’s a pretty good place to live, in most places anyway, and they need to stfu. :smiley: )

I suppose we have that. But I, personally, don’t like talking whales coming up to our doors and asking if we:
A. Accepted Jesus in to our lives
B. Ask for a donation
C. Ask for food

I Dont like when people:
D. huehuehue
E. Ding dong ditch
F. Point a gun to our face
G. Have a pizza be delivered faster than an ambulance getting to the same destination
H. School shootings

Im sure its just as bad as anywhere else, but i would like to go to a different country just to momentarily forget about all that crap.

Here ya go
1.3 of my cousins are Race car drivers in the Dirt modified Series.
2.I Love Garlic bread and Italian cuisine
3.My Grandpa Raced in the 1955 and 1956 Le Mans 24 Hour Race


  1. I’ve flown a helicopter
  2. I play video games
  3. I will own a Westing House Moisin Nagant 1891/30

1: i believe
2: i love sambal just on spoon
3: i drived a leopard2 tank!

hard one!

I am cake
I was cake
I eat cake

you still are cake

Wrong pril, it’s secret answer Q
Ymb is cakeverse, entire universe cake

You drove a German Leopard?! I am jealous.

1: I have piloted several aircraft.
2: I have played on a Tekkit Server.
3: I have seen a person die IRL (not some video).

Kyle, I’m gunna say 3 because I’m pretty sure you played PCB Tekkit at least a bit.

My Lie was 3. My grandpa WATCHED them not drove in it. He saw it when he was in the army in france. I love Italian cuisine and 3 of my cousins race dirtcars

sorry to say but the lie was the sambal XD but yes i drived in a leopart 2 tank on a school trip to a army armourbase in third class highschool XD