#2 5k Giveaway

Pwease me? :slight_smile:
Good luck to everyone! And how are you even affording these, Robin??

Nek, Great robot cyclops that dominates everything.

I would love to join in your poll although the only person who would vote for me is probably myself :-\ but still it would be good fun ;D

I will Enter.

I shall enter as well! I need more pie. :smiley:

me please robin your a great person :slight_smile:

Voting ends in 24 hours, good luck!

you didnt enter me in it again :frowning:

or me :’( :’( :’(

oR MEE :’(

You 3 are in the top 10 richest, I think you’ll survive :stuck_out_tongue:

Why am I not in there? D= I was one of the firsts to say I wanted it!

I cry :’(

I just vote for someone who is Online a lot so he/she will use it =) and is poor and I can have fun with x3

There will be more of these in the future, if I had everyone that asked on the poll, they would just all vote for themselves.

It seems that a high ranking member of staff is taking the lead like last time, curious to see if we will have someone pull a yomi.

Im not on the poll?

Oh well.

spams votes

Darn, I was too slow… Oh well, there is always next time, whenever that is.

Poor chaz and emiffy

Cries The first competition you said there would be other chances to win 5000… Yeah I’m not in the poll so D:

Who added Brodur and Ferfer?