I’d like to give a huge congratulations to Maddy for winning her regional debate and speech competition, with a “GG EZ” 1st place win. Next month shes going to go to State, competing against everyone in Florida, and when she wins that she’ll move up to Nationals and she’ll be #1 in the whole world before you even realize it. (shes been #1 in my world for quite some time already). Everyone congratulate her or face my wrath.
Congrats @maddygabby! ;D
You will do Great at State! We will all be rooting for you!!
Gratz on that thing you did!
[size=x-small]Joe threatened to kill me if I didn’t congratulate you
[size=small]Really, though, congratz on winning your regional debate and speech competition. I enjoy debating/arguing with people, never really thought that there were competitions for it though.
Congrats on your regional debate and speech competition, Maddy. I hope you succeed in the following competitions.
Congrats maddy!! :-* :-* :-* :-*
Gratz maddy, hopefully in not much time we will be congratulating you for world title!
Congratulations Mandy and good luck!! =D
Thank you all so much! It’s been hard getting to where I got but I finally did it and it’s relieving.
Well done Maddy, its sure it was very well deserved.