
In my opinion you just need to apologise, teachers and alike look for mature responses and admittance to situations, explain that you got a bit angry with the way something was handled and lashed out as a result, tell them your anger was injust and unfair and that you deeply regret it, then say that your sorry! even if it is a lie.

Losing a bit of your dignity might save your educational life, i think its worth it.

Magna carta, She doesnt have to do shit.

True she doesn’t have to but Fatso is right the mature thing to do is apologize and say something to the effect that you weren’t thinking and just spoke out without realizing the potential consequences.

its simple, we kill the “friend” insert batman’s joker picture here, no but in all serious a friend of mine was in
somewhat the same situation, in the middle of a CBA last day of school he said aloud “you know anonymous,
you’re a real bitch!.” i started laughing and teacher asked why i was laughing, my response “because
anonymouse over here is so immature!.” then the teacher and entire class started laughing. we got 4 days
detention and when he got home he got beat 0-o

That didn’t make me feel any better gg :frowning:

If I were you vai I would say it was forged there is no way they can prove it is real.
Also hard you should try to hack the person who told vais teacher :slight_smile:

I once called my Spanish teacher a bastard. He did nothing… don’t think he understood me.


I once called a supply teacher a deaf twat. He couldn’t hear me when i was 2 rows behind him.

in reply to ggeeeee’s
hehehe child abuse
this is not ment to offend anyone!

Leo, please do not encourage hacking of any kind. Those forgeries would get you in more trouble and are not worth it.

Fatso had the best advice. Besides, if your parents agree with you, and are on your side, how bad can it be? I know in my school, the principals never had much to do with my everyday life. I can’t see how the head teacher could affect yours so badly. I will probably be easier to admit it. If possible, talk to the new head teacher first about it.

For some fucking reason, I get nervous when I talk to teachers, even if I trust them :confused:

EDIT : not for gold would I hack into the school’s system, I don’t want more shit to hit the fan

… I was just joking and i wasnt talking about hacking into the school
I think that if it happened online then it shouldnt affect vai in any way at school.
Its none of her teachers business wat she says on facebook. You could say that the screenshot was forged but it might be easier to apologize.
I would say it was forged beacuse she shouldnt be affected by what happened outside of school.

I get the same thing lol