World Expo: UK

We really should start the map soon guys. Any ideas for how it should be made ? :slight_smile:


Well, white/cream background, map on top made up of each countries colours/flag. Then our heads marking our locations, maybe markers for major cities too.

Sounds good :slight_smile:

[size=14pt]Some inspiration for #TEAMGB

Hey, I think it would be cool if we could slip in a few builds showing off our great architecture, I could do 1 or 2,
perhaps one Victorian another Edwardian? Also, we ought to show off our NHS as well, itโ€™s something I know lots of Brits are proud of :slight_smile:

Yeah its a cool idea but where? Thre is a gap under the map so maybe if we built it into the back wall from the floor up, just the fronts though, like a display.

[size=14pt]Tense moment, Good luck fellow Team GB builders!

I canโ€™t modify the original post but octo is now theoctopus and liam is petroliam.

GG guys <3

GG <3

GG no Re (3)/