As of now, it is only me, Spec & Andy who can get on the server, until we figure out why it isnt working properly.
While it’s down right now, I think I might add that on the DynMap, people’s homes are visible. Not sure if that’s the intended configuration. Also, chat is visible (complete with chat heads sticking out of people’s icons), where as there was only server messages in the chat earlier. You can’t chat from the web interface still, AFAIK. Not sure if that was how you want that configured either. Just throwing this out there in case.
can you only whitelist the server while you are working on it? otherwise the server is down for half the day with no one on it.
The reason why it’s whitelisted is because there are core things that are needed to be fixed. If these things aren’t fixed and we let players run around on the server, it will cause even more problems. So you’ll have wait a bit until things can be sorted out. Please be patient, I know how much each of you want to play on the server.
Guess I’m going to sleep early and setting my alarm for 9:25, again.
Honestly, I think you guys are just trying to improve my sleeping habits. Seriously though, I can survive without PCB for a while, bug squashing should be top priority.
Are the withdrawal symptoms not kicking in yet then jape?
Your life sounds more fun than mine does…
why is the server offline again i thought you guys have fixed the problem
Well you see they fix the problems then more problems pop up…
when the server will be online again .i have not build anything from 3 days :’(
The staff are doing the best they can. I know its hard but the sever has bugs that need fixing early on, or else they get worse and worse. We are lucky that we have such good staff that can deal with these problems and hopefully it will be back up soon but chances are it could be like this for a few days as more bugs are found. I suggest going into single player and planning what you want to build on PCB. Try testing new designs that you could add to your builds or test new block combinations! I made a mini street plan for my town which is going on PCB survival (Altonia) and now I am going to work on it to add more detail and to improve the design, so I can get the best out of my builds.
I overslept. I’m sorry. I’ve failed you.
At least I didnt miss the server being online, amiright?
Please can we have a little update on whats going on?
Unfortunately John lives in the USA, so nothing much…
when is he going to fix it
At the moment we don’t know, it’s a pretty big issue so we want to get it fixed before we come back online.
Alas, so true on a day like this.
Aaaaannnd We are live! Despite what the website says!
I can’t connect.
Scratch that, I’m good!