Sip's somewhat impermanent tekkit server

Servers down again doncha know? :frowning: restraty sippey?

I’m gone atm. I didn’t actually get a backup of the last world so if you had stuff tell me and I’ll try to get it back.

How far back you gotta go? Me and Brodur died and lost everything in Nook’s cave of doom.

I died too whub :stuck_out_tongue: ,Also sip is the IP going to change again?

Nah man, I had a chest of goodies :slight_smile:

Here is what MAY HAVE been lost though:
1 macerator
2 insulated copper wire thingys
1 generator
1 electro furnace
1 solarpanel

Not entirly sure if they were lost, but thats the only recent stuff that I did that i can recall other then dienig xD

Yeah I lost; 1 induction furnace, 1 rotary macerator, 1 singularity compressor, 1 centrifugal extractor, 2 mfsu’s, 1 nuclear reactor, 350 diamond chests full of diamond. And a stick.

I shall join da server. From what I have seen, Tekkit is ossum.

Is it even up right now?
If I did lose it, I lost a geothermal generator and 16 lava cells

Seeing as sip isn’t on now, it probably isn’t.
On the subject of lava cells, are they edible? :slight_smile: God, I wonder what all the crafting recipes are.

I’ll try to have it back up by Monday or Sunday.

bu… bu… but I’m bored now… I’ll have stuff to do by then… xD

I thought if you joined a server that supported the mod, you didnt have to install it. ???

you dont. you just run the launcher and go.

Well i finally ran it, and now when i go into minecraft, i can’t see anything. All the blocks are invisible unless i’m under water. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen in single player. Anybody know what i did wrong? I ran the tekkit thing like i think i’m supposed to. :confused:

Make sure you are running the correct game. TECHNIC is SINGLEPLAYER.
TEKKIT is MULTIPLAYER. If you get them confused all sorts of shit happens.

I know that, but I have no idea what happens when you do singleplayer on tekkit.

Well I reloaded single player with Trekkie, and it seems to work kinda good I guess. :stuck_out_tongue: Didn’t know the difference between tekkit and technic. Hope I can join the multiplayer one soon. :smiley:

If everything is invisible check your render distance somehow mine was at like past tiny and it was invisible.

Lol. It changed after I re-logged. So now I cacan see stuff. This mod is crazy over packed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tekkit works fine in single player for me :stuck_out_tongue: