roaroftime - 15th of August, 2014


Minecraft Username roaroftime

Date of Ban 15th of August, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by Ferrari

Reason for Ban Suspecting me of stealing diamonds from a casino.

Reason to be Unbanned Because i did not steal any diamonds.
I would never steal any diamonds, I even take my diamonds almost everywhere on the server because i’m always worried they’ll get stolen. I did go into the casino machine but there were no signs saying not to and also i love virtual machines like red stone mechanisms but i don’t know how to use red stone at all, The machine was also to complicated to even find the chest with diamonds in so how could i have taken the diamonds when i didn’t want to in the first place. I mine alot, So if you saw in logs or something that i had about 10 diamonds then i mined them. Because the most diamonds ive ever had the server in one time with me was 10. Also you cant take things out of chests anyway i thought?
Sorry if i caused any inconvenience…

[ Ban History ] 1 other ban appeals found
15th of August, 2014

[ ! ] Do not post unless you are in someway involved in this matter.
[ !! ] Do not edit this post or the formatting will break.

From your last appeal:

There are logs of you placing a button next to the diamond dispenser. Logblock doesn’t lie.

If you actually make an effort to discuss this, in this thread, we may look more favourably towards you. Posting just as a guest and not responding is grounds for remaining banned.

tl;dr: make an account and discuss this with us.

What Semi said. Please make an account and have a conversation in your appeal. We cannot just talk to ourselves here.

I cant login to roaroftime i forgot his password and forgot his email for the “Forgot password” thing… So this is my forum account so i can reply

Alright then… So explain the button?

Full story: I went into the machine part of the casino by digging down near grass… So sorry about that, but i love machines and engineering, Then i just looked around but i wanted to test it so i put a button near some red stone and clicked it because im always curious and stuff but i always buy apples and golden apples from you at the casino to use for the machine and i didnt know what the button actually did… But now im guessing it blasted out tonnes of diamonds or something, Im really sorry and ill pay you back all of my 33 diamonds Ferrari WHICH I MINED AND BOUGHT and even if you wont unban me plz let me come back just once to give you the diamonds and free my horses, ill pay you all my money on the server if i get to say my last goodbye. Really sorry… Also I didnt pick up any of your diamonds and ill mine more for you if you like i promise… Sorry…


Fine, I’ll belive you despite the evidence. If you want to look at the machine you really should twerk me, and don’t go editing it.

Can someone unban him for me?

Woah, Ferrari, dinner and a movie first. xD I will inna bit.
