Real Life Picture Thread Part II: The Attack Of the Photos

Well im glad my face isn’t miss leading :stuck_out_tongue:

ME. :stuck_out_tongue:
Btw this is 1 year old taken when I was on a Computer Programming Competition, making Database Management System using VB.

I’m 16 years old here. Not much change until now though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, yes I’m underweight. LoL

I imagined you right.

me, keaton, and gggeeee are all from the fort worth area :smiley:


u should see myth’s dad they look just alike

Ugh, I need to post a pic now. Ked you look kind of like me, I’m underweight too XD but I still swim fast (yay for school record as a freshman XD). anyway if someone wants to take my profile pic from fb and put it on here do it I can’t (no Internet… Friends phone XD)

Joshm0nkey doesn’t believe!
Anyway, my hot keys on keyboard don’t work to take snapshots… Help?

have you ever tried pressing Fn F2, or is it just snapshots that don’t work?

Isn’t it funny how u imagine people then are still shocked when u actually see them, :slight_smile:

this is me. XD couldn’t get good light, ill post anotherone later

insert joke about possible rapist

DAMNIT! He’s onto me!

Might as well… got bored. lol.

good pic. Lol :slight_smile: better than mine. Mine is black and white

WOAH SIPPY! Your look nothing like I thought you looked like!

Curious to what you thought :stuck_out_tongue:

Ituesday to think you where 24, but then I took an arrow to the knee… :smiley:

Sip looks surprisingly similar to what I imagined… Just a bit thinner because of stereotypes and shiz.

LOL. But yeah, similar to what In expected xD