Pro-gun or anti-gun?

As some of you may know, I am completely against any idea at all of guns.
People say that if you have a gun then you can defend yourself, being able to get a gun by law & not having to get a licence for one is really rather stupid, & it also makes it easier for the terrorists to get a gun. If it was illegal to get a gun without having to pass a detailed test mental, safety (making sure that you could handle a gun & knew what you were doing with it, ect.), & more importantly background (whether you live in a rough area, & so need a gun to defend youself, or whether you live in the area of the country with the least terrorism, when you don’t need a gun, & also to do detailed checks of you history, to see what type of family you were living in, how you behaved class, even, whether you were disruptive & frequently naughty or not, & most importantly to see whether you had a criminal record) in order to get a licence in the USA then there would be less guns in distribution, so the only way that terrorists could get them would be through be through completing this detailed check or getting them through the black market, which I don’t know how this marvelous president Barack Obama still hasn’t ‘cracked down’ on. After all those checks I also think that the only ‘military’ weapons that should be handguns, certainly not shotguns or rifles, & the only hunting weapons you should be able to have are air rifles & BB guns, both non-lethal to humans. If you are a serious hunter then maybe you should be able to use the occasional rifle, provided it was on a supervised area of land, that no stray people could go on, & the guns that you use are kept by the hunting range, locked up.
I can tell you this, so you know how I feel about guns, I live in the UK (so I hope I do not get any facts about 'Murica wrong), & I think that the gun laws in the UK are too strong.
As some of you may just be able to tell, I abhor guns & anything to do with them, although most of you won’t know my reasons why, & it is not what you think, trust me.

So, errrrr, yeah… That is how I feel about guns, I hope I have contributed something, soooo… …bye?..


Are you saying you think the military should only use handguns?..

No, the military should continue using their guns that they currently use. I just said that because I didn’t know how to refer to those guns that shoot real bullets and get fired by gunpowder, not the compressed air that they use in air rifles.

Assault Rifles?.. Machine Guns?..

I have never seen a real gun myself in the Netherlands.
the only thing remotely is an air gun (which i got to shoot once)

That’s awesome. Why isn’t the entire world like this? I wouldn’t want to see a real gunpowder gun, but the US thinks otherwise :-\

Cool. Isn’t as fun as like shooting the real thing though

That actually seems really clever… Honestly.

Imagine you are a criminal. You walk into a house, and you see someone already in there.

Scenario 1:

“H-h-ey, w-what do you want? I-i’ve got a gun, please l-leave!”
You look and see an overweight man. He has clearly never used a gun before, as he bought it for self defence. It would at best, be a blunt weapon, as it is completely unloaded. You take the gun off him, grab his car keys and run off into the night. He is crying and sucking his thumb in the corner.

Scenario 2:
The lights turn on. You hear the resident of the household in front of you shout:
You hear a clicking noise. He is wearing the blue coat of the French army and a tricorn. In his hand is a musket, the size of your arm, with a bayonet on the end. Next to him is a woman with the same gear, and a child with a sabre and the french tricolour on a pole.
The two muskets are shot, but they both miss you narrowly. The sound deafens you and you attempt to turn around and walk away, but in front of you is a statue of Louis XIV, by the Grace of God, King of France and of Navarre in a fabulous pair of tights.
“POUR LE ROI ET POUR LA FRANCE!” Screams the man.
He comes rushing at you with the bayonet, continuously screaming French. He stabs multiple holes in the wall and the woman soon follows, jumping over the child who is screaming “POUR LE ROI ET POUR LA FRANCE!” and waving the flag. You are stabbed in the stomach multiple times, and by the time the police arrive, you have died of sheer amazement.

Tell me, which one of these is more likely to lower home invasion rates?

In some parts of the world, armed robbery is less common. But in america, this is still a legitimate concern for many average homeowners, and people walking the street.

However, I would not feel safe defending myself with an air gun. That is just a laughable weapon. Even the most exceptionally powerful air guns are not going to be as useful as a simple handgun.

There’s also many people that simply find shooting fun. There’s also hunters to consider, not every hunter wants to practice archery. There are numerous sporting-type events where gunpowder weapons are utilized.

And as funny as the musket argument is from the perspective of the person wielding the musket, it gives the attacker plenty of time to hurt you >.>

I don’t think it’s worth having guns in the United States. I think it should only be used from the military, and on-duty police. There’s always someone that could get killed from a cop, but is it from not coming clean, or is it from a cop doing a bad job? I think it is because people can’t do the right thing and talk to the officer. I think it’s from the poor lifestyles some people live in that teaches them to avoid the police.

What’s wrong with picking those weapons up at your local police station or gun club? Why do we have to keep them in the house for hunting or shooting or target practice. I feel as though more confinement would be necessary to reduce gun violence in America.

If I was breaking into someone’s house I’d be put off by someone having an air gun. Sure it’s not lethal 90% of the time, but I’d rather not have pellets stuck in my chest. The whole point of having a gun is as a deterrent. Firing them should be a last resort.

Also I know in a lot of US states, if you shot someone who entered your house, you face charges. As said in that video I posted, 99% of people who break into houses want to steal stuff, not murder everyone inside. I’d rather buy a new TV than go to court charged with murder or manslaughter.

There's also many people that simply find shooting fun. There's also hunters to consider, not every hunter wants to practice archery. There are numerous sporting-type events where gunpowder weapons are utilized.

As has been said before, they can go to a gun club, or a hunting club, and store their weapons there. The only exception to this would be people living in areas where bears, wolves, or other similar beasts, are a real threat.

So when you guys say air gun, are you talking pellet gun or airsoft?

Honestly, im 50/50

On one hand, I agree, you dont need a bloody assault rifle in your home. The largest gun you should own is a shotgun for home defense with bird shot at minimum.

For outside concealed carry, maybe a .22? i mean it shouldnt go through their body so it minimizes casualties if you do need to shoot someone.

On the other hand, lets say you did own an assault rifle. If you are a good enough shot, 1 bullet should suffice. Its up to you if you kill or injure. Most home criminals dont carry anything other than a handgun or a knife. I mean if you really want to be safe, get a riot shield and a handgun.

This probably made no sense at all but meh.

Also whoever brought up owning tanks, They are unable to fire any projectiles and I dont know about you, but i dont see tanks on my streets often.

The problem is, most people aren’t a good enough shot. At least not under pressure like the circumstances we’re talking about.

My only issue with the “gun club” concept for storing weapons, sport-wise, is that this imposes a large economic cost on some individuals. There are many people who may live exceptionally far away from the nearest such place, and driving to go pick it up is an excessive burden, especially if they hunt often.

Regarding Tanks, who the hell buys a tank? Can you even do that? I feel like a fully operable tank, with rounds that can destroy vehicles and buildings, would/should be prevented from being fully serviceable by your average person. But i have never heard of anyone crazy enough to actually use a tank for anything like what we are talking about.

GTA V summed up.

I get the distance argument, but, last I checked, you had to have a bit of cash to buy a gun. AFAIK, not the average Joe can buy one. I think that if you’re able to buy a gun, you’d have the money to store it. Another method is having government-run facilities.

Guns are not that expensive to acquire, relatively speaking. You can get a handgun for a couple hundred dollars. More importantly, a large, large percentage of people in america already Have them, so obtaining them is not an issue. Many were passed down through their families.

Which adds yet another layer of complexity to the mix. To some people, a gun might not be a potential murder weapon or a misguided safety tool, it might be as much of an heirloom as an antique wristwatch.

Did i mention tanks O.o

If i did, Im saying you can buy a tank for, what I was told, a couple hundred thousand USD. Obviously youd only be able to drive them, not shoot them…if youd be able to shoot and own a fully operational tank, Id buy 3.

I had something else but I forgot it…