Oh hi my name is Ari. Yiu can call me cherry, or red, cherryred, or whatever u wanna call me. I am high ranked on the A+++++++++++++ branch for the classic servers. Im in the top 5 ranks on most the servers I goto for classic.
Anyway just got beta and was directed here from a friend whose name be Chewedmarkers. (Chewey <3) So I hope I’ll fit in just right here and I hope that everything will work out 
A+++++++++++++ :o never heard of that before, ;D but then again i dont play much classic. we hope ya have a good stay at project citybuild 
Good luck! I believe I got on A+ at one time, but that was awhile ago…
Anyways, Welcome to PCB!
Oh? Two new visitors at once? Cherry and Chewed.
Welcome both of you. I am curious how Chewed found us. We still get new people without us advertising.
I will update your ranks in game very soon.
I gave them the IP from creative.
creative is the main source of advertisment these days other then word of mouth, the comments that apear on the screen like ‘dont greif’ now also tell people that ‘we have a BETA server!’ and ‘sign in to our forums at www.projectcitybuild.com!’ ect, free ads are cool =D
Eeeeeeey! You can call me The Fonz!