I’ve started playing here for about a week on Survival, so I decided to come here to introduce myself!
My name on Minecraft is SpllatPT (probably some of you have seen me on the server) and i live on Portugal, so sorry for my poor english!
I hope we can spend some great time playing together! 
Welcome! Always nice to see an introduction. Your English seems fine so far.
I see your somehow Classic AdvBuilder, which means the new member ranks are still buggy. Not your fault!
Thanks @Kyle8910
In the first week I could not see the forums and vote for the server (i think que was a permission error or something) but @kurrpeted98989 fix that for me 
Congrats on the great server, i’m really enjoying playing here!
welcome to the family of PCB
nice to see you introduct your self is a very good idea, if you want some help or just have fun tell me 
I also live in Portugal.
Welcome to PCB, hope you enjoy this server as much as I do.