imlegos - 22nd of September, 2013


Minecraft Username imlegos

Date of Ban 22nd of September, 2013
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by

Reason for Ban ’stealing a gem(?) sword and thretening to call greifers

Reason to be Unbanned Because I’ve learned and miss my friends who i want to be with agian

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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Legos, you were banned by Johnlh97 and the date of ban is actually 2013/02/21.

I dont remember a single thing about this ban… I dont even think it was me that banned him.

Found the original appeal.

Basically, he got banned from tekkit, and then proceeded to be an arse to several staff members, resulting in a ban on survival/creative.

OH! Now I remember. Anyways Legos, how do we know that you won’t proceed to do what you have said in the past?

I believe he is forums banned, so he can’t answer that. Also yesterday apparently his ip wasn’t banned on the dynamic map so I banned his ip since he was bypassing his ban. He wasn’t doing anything wrong on there, but I knew for sure he was permanently banned from everything, so if I shouldn’t have ip banned him then that’s my bad.

I believe his ban also had to do with him constantly breaking down my doors on tekkit, unless this is a separate incident.

and then he threatened to bring griefers onto our server which is why he was banned from everything

imho, he should stay banned

Agreeing with shadow here. He mentions missing friends. What friends?

I mean, there’s a Minecraft update creeping up, doesn’t he deserve a second chance?

I don’t see how that is relevant. It sounds like we don’t want this player here at all. Anyone who threatens the server is out. As far as I am concerned, this should be locked.