This isn’t even an appeal, and you have your username mispelled as well. -_-
Stop spamming us with appeals, unless they are going to be actual APPEALS.
i have no idea what happened I’m really sorry though i promise that i have been hanging around The_SolidFlame and Gloopcube13 been unhelpful and you can ask them i am sorry for what happened but i don’t actually no what happened my account has been playing up before this i think i may of been hacked
Yeah… Up to Mad, seeing as you have nothing else to fall back on besides lies.
What you didn’t know, is if an account is truly “hacked”, by some stroke of magic, server lists would be empty, as they are saved client-side, not server-side. Not only would a hacker have to actually gain ACCESS to your account, but they would have to know the IP for PCB as well. Not to mention, why go through such trouble, only to frame you for breaking things?
Doesn’t that sound rather ridiculous?
no it doesn’t sound ridiculous and are there any other staff members who believe this i know that Ducky doesn’t and he’s SOP Zak96 I’m begging you please un-ban me from my favourite server plz
It is not my call or any other staff member’s besides Madant’s. Now stop begging, and wait for his reply.
Merely stating the fallacies in your argument against griefing, instead of coming clean, which looks very bad on your end since this is your second banning.
Side note, if you are not involved directly in a banning, and have nothing to add that is actually useful to the situation at hand, do not post in the appeals, as it derails the conversation unnecessarily.
I’m very sorry for griefing i’ve done it a copal of times I’m sorry and if you unban me i will stay out of trouble and never do what i did sorry.
This is a rather poor ban appeal. You swore in the first one, and have a previous ban appeal. How can I know for certain that you have read the rules and will follow them to the letter? You are beginning to show a pattern.
I’m very sorry for griefing it was wrong and i know that now so if any buildings were damaged i will fix them I’m ever so sorry please accept my apology and i will stay out of trouble.
This is your second offence. You will have a temp ban in place until May 1. Until then, refresh yourself on the rules and watch some stampycat.
@madant79 did you unbanned IcyWater1 ? because he is unbanned right now.
Did you do an actual tempban? because those are fairly broken, IMO it’s better to regular ban and unban on the correct date.