HiPixels - 10th of April, 2017

Ok, first thing first, @wooly19 banned you, not me.

Secondly, it wasn’t just me that was telling you to stop, Ysf, Kyle and I were all telling you to stop. I kicked and muted you because you were filling chat with nonsense and being annoying in general. This is also not the first instance of you being annoying on purpose, just to get a reaction, i believe this happened yesterday with @jmvvana . And don’t try and call me out for calling you a dick, I simply said “don’t be a dick” because you were being rude to Jah, using that language is perfectly acceptable. Since it wasn’t me that banned you, i don’t have the final say, that is up to wooly, but if it were me, you wouldn’t be unbanned.

  • I am involved with the issue so pls don’t warn me-

@jmvvana @CallumW25 @wooly19 I’m sure you can back me up on saying that he annoyed many more than 2 people over the past few days. I know he was filling in Gen. Xav’s tunnels w/out his perms, and the oil and annexing things? Won’t go there.

Using /me to talk while muted just to piss off the people on at the time
Staff only ban if there’s a valid reason. And FYI it was Wooly who banned you :slight_smile:


It’s my city I can do what I want. I changed the tunnel. I asked him politely to not touch or move anything and he did. Kyle only said stop once to twice.

Callum, I wasn’t trying to be rude. You should’ve just plainly muted me for a while or temp banned me. But being not annoying is not anywhere in the PCB rules so your permanent ban on me is technically not supposed to be a ban. If you do not want to see me do /ignore HiPixels. Instead you’re just pretending the command does not exist and you proceed to act foolish. Your lack of grammar makes you look embarrassing since I could barely understand what the ban reasoning was. Message is: Improve your grammar.

You did not tell Whil to not call me a twat. It’s even open for the world to see in /warp Portland as an insult to me.

Also Kyle, I did not attempt to annoy people with /me. So please stop spreading lies that ruin my reputation.

The problem is, people don’t respect me in the way they want me to stop, they just be rude thinking it’s ok to be like that.
You should investigate further before replying.


Whil can call you what he wants, as i said, using that language is acceptable. Also, to repeat myself, it wasn’t me that banned you, it was @wooly19 .

Edit, since you changed yours after i replied:

You keep trying to tell us how to do our jobs, but if you knew how to do our jobs, surely you’d know how to behave? Apparently not. Have you ever thought, people might like you and treat you better if you were nice back? I see you a lot, causing trouble and starting arguments for no reason. Just before the ban, you said “i wanna argue with someone” and “callum, call me a twat”, if you think this is how you behave, then you’re dead wrong.

Callum did mute you. You used /me to override that - and you mention us ruining your reputation? What “reputation” you did have showed you up to be annoying and irritating. So I wonder who’s REALLY lying here.

As a staff member I am disgraced with your attitude towards a staff member and I do not believe you should be unbanned, you also have two warnings on the system too. And from seeing your attitude on the server, you are incredibly annoying.

< “Your lack of grammar makes you look embarrassing since I could barely understand what the ban reasoning was. Message is: Improve your grammar”

This is incredibly rude considering your talking to a member of staff - Callum cannot help being bad at grammar.

< “It’s my city I can do what I want.”

Actually no, your city is built in creative which is owned by PCB so you technically you follow the rules under staff.

Excuse me, my grammar is great, thank you very much.

I acknowledge the fact Wooly banned be.

Well I don’t like the fact he called me a twat. Moving on, did you ignore the fact that I said annoyance wasn’t a thing you could be banned for in the rules?

Also I agree I didn’t behave very well and I acted too immature for the situation. I shall proceed to take into consideration my actions that I have done recently and maybe redeem myself by doing a job for you guys to see my apologies and regret-ion of my recent acts.

I just felt like when you guys asked me to stop I didn’t think it was very respectful.

I’m just asking if Wooly can reduce my ban to a day or week ban because an eternal ban seems a little unnecessary in my opinion. I’d appreciate if you do so but I don’t expect you to actually un-ban me entirely.

I hope with this new information you can continue debating on whether or not to un-ban me, leave me temp banned or just completely ban me for enternity.


When you’re being disrespectful to everyone else, why would you be respected? You seem to want people to like you, but continue to be rude and disrespectful to others. I’m going to mention @wooly19 one more time, so he can decide the final say.

Hipixels, every town and city has to follow the rules given from PCB, there are no exceptions. You can’t do whatever you want, there are rules and those rules must be followed. If Kyle told you once or twice to stop, then stop!

Your account is your responsibility. If staff didn’t mute nor temp ban you at that moment, then I think you should pause and think about what you have said before resuming your point at someone, especially if that point is a harsh one.

Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m an asshole.

I’m right now currently stuck in hole of boredom, low esteem and anger so my only way of freezing time is to annoy and hurt people. I really don’t want to hurt you, I’m forced to by my emotions.

I hope you acknowledge this. I just want to be temp banned for up to a month that’s all I want.

If annoying and hurting people is the only way for you to kill time, I genuinely do not think you should be unbanned, as this community is known as a friendly community where people generally get along even though they don’t like eachother. And I personally, along with many others probably, would like to keep it like that.


I shall keep a promise if I’m unbanned.

I shall not offend anyone on purpose. I just can’t control myself. It’s me. I want to get along. My emotions say otherwise. I want to be friends but my emotions say no. I just don’t feel appreciated. I just feel like nobody truly cares about me though.

This is taken directly from the server rules:

2.Do not harass other players. ·This includes (but may not be limited to) racism, sexism, spam, excessive swearing, and general disrespect to staff, or any other user.

Being irritating and having a bad attitude generally falls within this. Additionally, the way you have presented yourself on the forums has definitely been disrespectful.

Your emotions are unfortunately not an excuse to act poorly on the server or forums. If you can’t control yourself, you really should not have a forum to allow you to upset and hurt others.

If you are genuinely feeling emotionally unstable or vulnerable, there are a number of people and services you can contact to help you through difficult times, or even just to chat and tell your problems to.


you cant just “”“annex”"" the whole world and annoy the people in it. Being disrespectful to staff and other players (especially in a ban appeal, where you essentially beg for mercy) certainly wont help your case aswell. I’ll just say that in my opinion you deserve a temp ban, and when you return you had better be on best behavior. (This includes no longer disrespecting people, “annexing” things and being as some have put it- a dick or a twat)

again, its woolys choice

You disrespected staff and members, and was much more disrespectful in your ban appeal, I hope wooly takes a far decision, wich I’m sure he will.


Don’t warn I’m involved.

I’m HiPixels neighbor on the map (Our cities are quite near each other) and while his annexation threats and such can be extremely annoying I don’t believe he means harm by it. Just joking around.
That’s my 37 Pesos.

I think we’ve seen enough here. Wooly doesn’t check the forums often. Gonna lock this up. You will serve out a 4 week temp ban. When you come back, you will not have any more chances. This is a friendly community server, annoying players is not the way to go about things. If you’re bored, try building something perhaps? I’d also suggest you lose the attitude and use the appropriate channels if you have an issue with something as suggested by others.

Wooly if you see this, you’re welcome to make your own call and gazump me.


Sorry about the late reply guys DJing and soundteching at an event so was away. I think everyone has explained this rather well. SOP’s both made valid points and personally by harassing other players even after being told to stop i believe this to be unacceptable. You were Kicked and muted yet still persisted. personally due to going against instuction by both myself and other staff members along with how you acted in your appeal id rather keep you banned. especially seeing as you went off on callum when he didnt ban you.
