dordsor21 - 16th of August, 2014

in all honesty, this isn’t 100% my call, as it dosn’t have to do with just me. Im leaning more towards a tempban of at least a month, in order for him to calm down and get his shit straight.

A 1 month tempban seems good to me.

Let’s do two weeks.

He can come back on the 1st of september.

I did talk to him yesterday and I feel he was banned too early for us to indeed see some a clear change in his behaviour.

I’m sure two weeks is more than enough for him to calm down.

Just saying, but you guys keep saying that I need to cool off and/or calm down, but I’m not annoyed or anything of the sort, so I think a better way tknphrasebitnwould be reflect, because I’ve gt nothin to calm down from, I didn’t get banned in the middle of a massive heated argument, or after some big bad event, I was checking the forums, then came back and was banned. ‘:/’ was my face, literally, as I has ruled out this reason as ducky had spoken to me already. So temp-banning me to cool off doesn’t really work :confused:

Shad did you ban him in the middle of an argument? Or whilst he was misbehaving?

If that’s not the case then I see no reason why we should ban him.

I had already talked to dord in the evening, he told me he would change.

Edit: Checked on the other thread. You were banned for your past behaviour. But since I had already talked to you before you were banned and you told me you would change, I see no reason to keep you banned. It would even be unfair.

So I’ll unban. HOWEVER, I want to see a clear change in your behaviour. Enjoy the server, be nice to people! We’re all here to have some good times! No more negativity. If ever I hear you’re not behaving properly. I’ll personally ban you.

On that note, welcome back Dord! :slight_smile:
