djrock200060 - 14th of March, 2014


Minecraft Username djrock200060

Date of Ban 14th of March, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by Kurrpeted98989

Reason for Ban Hacks

Reason to be Unbanned I was not hacking what you saw was a glich. It would be unfair to ban me for something that did not happen. If you still really don’t like the sound of me coming back on then follow me around a bit. so you can trust me more.

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

[ ! ] Do not post unless you are in someway involved in this matter.
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I know this person IRL, and was in a skype call with him. He said he was downloading Nodus and was screensharing with me. He did fly, I’d say around six or seven blocks into the air. He also attempted to use force-op to unban himself. If I were kurry I would NOT unban at all ever.

Also, this happened on the PMC page:

i would say that pretty much settles that one.
GTFO, don’t come back.
Remaining banned, locked