DigitalDoodle - 24th of November, 2015


Minecraft Username DigitalDoodle

Date of Ban 24th of November, 2015
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by MrFerf

Reason for Ban Stealing from madant

Reason to be Unbanned first of all what was stollen? i dont recal stealing anything…

[ Ban History ] 2 other ban appeals found
21st of September, 2015

1st of September, 2015

[ ! ] Do not post unless you are in someway involved in this matter.
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I honestly don’t know what happened. Madant said you had stolen from him, I asked the online staff if I should ban, and they said yes.

So, @madant79, you’re the one to make the decision.

You’ve fucked up 3 chances. The odds are not in your favour.

From the last appeal:

Wait what! i don’t know what i stoll X_X! I’m sorry i don’t even know what i stoll but i’m still sorry if i did any harm !!! :’(. IM SORRY!

There is a sea temple that has been emptied out and had several chests in it near Mirador. Due to the server changeover, the chests were no longer locked, as I had forgotten about them. All the chests are empty. LB Showed that you had placed blocks around and inside the temple, which lead me to believe that you took them. I do know that chests are not insured, however, you know what happened with the server, and it is dishonest to be taking items out of chests that have signs…which are also unlocked :confused:

Do not go into other people’s chests, do the right thing and tell the person they are still unlocked.

Please reply.

(Staff, don’t give me a warning please, as I am involved.)

Digital also took Red Clay blocks from a chest in Lalazooli (Blocks were to be used for Golden Gate Bridge) and with the clay, he made me a “mansion under the bridge”. He didn’t have anyone’s permission to do so, and why would he make a “mansion” for me out of anyone?

David and Ely took the blocks from him, and put them back into the chest.

DigitalDoodle also wants to be my “slave”.

Ban isn’t up to me, but I thought I should add some additional backround. -jm

Thank you for your input, but that issue has been totally solved already, as Digital put the red clay blocks back in the chest when I asked him and firmly apologised for the incident.

Oh ok the chests by the survival spawn. Also they didn’t “take” the blocks from me i politely returned them because i didn’t know that they were used for that. jmvvana told me to build a penthouse as a (joke) because i was his slave lol. but i wasn’t sure so i still built it (don’t get him involved). I take responsibility for my actions. Also the chests by the water temple near spawn that i took from, i thought those were like abandoned a while ago because there was no one there and all that was in the chests were like dirt, sand, and a few carrots. Sorry for what i have done.

yeah i was just playing around and being stupid with the red clay not stealing it.

And is the ban perm? D: Or will it be temp and be taken off? ):

I know i f ed up but im sorry. ):

Modify button… use it…

Oops i dont know what that was i got a warning for quad posting and it said to edit it and that happened ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And here we go with the multi-posting again…
You’ve had enough chances, you’ve made your chances even worse by doing things you know you aren’t supposed to do.
As long as it’s OK with Madant, I really wanna leave you banned. We don’t need any more people incapable of learning from their mistakes around.

;-; ok and i don’t know what happened with the quad post i didn’t know that was a rule. I’m sorry.
Also I didn’t take much from the chests and especially all the chests.
I have learned from my mistakes if you choose to keep me banned that’s your choice that you get to make. I’m Sorry. ):

why! just WHY! ;-; i guess im banned forever :’(

Please exercise patience, wait for Madant to respond. Double posting/bumping does nothing to help you.

(just to state again) the reason i took the stuff from the chests is because i thought it was abandon and not still in use. I also didn’t take all the stuff in the chest I took a very minimal amount of stuff that didn’t have much value. Anyway perm ban or not happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it.

Aaaaand we’ve just found grief.
Regardless of what Madant thinks, you’re staying banned at this point.

Locking it up.

Thanks Mr. Ferf. I was away for a couple of days and was not able to get to this sooner

No problem. Glad I could be of assistance.