Cops and Robbers Tournament! Jan 28, 2012

And have a percentage of players being robbers. (not actual maths, just guess kind of. You don’t really want 25 cops and 1 robber for example xD)

Yeah xD that way everyone has a go at being everything.

25 cops would probably mean like 5 robbers

I’d like to join! :smiley:

So I see everyone likes my new game! :>

AHEM OUR GAME AHEM :stuck_out_tongue:

fili, we played it before you joined and made rules XD

OUR game Lol

if possible, i would like air, or robber. ill take whichever one i can get

count me in!

Second Game Positions Added
AS WELL FINAL TIME IS 8am PST and 4pm GMT. Please make sure to find your time zone!

I wanna play, but I’m gonna be at the Dark Ascension pre-release tomorrow.

Perhaps I will organize another weekend or more games on Sunday. Stay tuned.

Yea I won’t be able to make it tomorrow. If this goes well I guess we can continue to run games, and possibly catch them on video :smiley:


so anyone else in central this is at 10 or 11 a.m. your looking for san fran compared to your local time


Thank you to all those who played. It didn’t get off to a perfect start but was really fun! Thanks to Kyle, Jg, Fili, Ouhai, Liam, and everyone else who played!


couldnt make it was cirling with my gma

Some updates on the rules and such:

  1. It is now played on survival.
  2. To capture the robber, beat them to death using FISTS ONLY. If you are using any form of weapon you will be disqualified and the robber automatically wins.
  3. All cops start off with no food, but can request food drops (see update 5)
  4. Robber may only carry 5 pork/steak with them.
  5. 2 air units as before, but with some changes:
    Air unit 1: Calls out location of the robber, as before.
    Air unit 2: Does not call out position, pursues silently and drops food on request for cops. Also acts as a transport for cops. To request transport say TRANS, or TP or something like that. Air unit 2 will wait 3 seconds before tping you.

[Ka, feel free to add this to the first post, and edit as you wish with anything I have forgotten/missed off]

Kyle’s suggestions:
Game should be played during the Day to avoid mobs.
Entering caves is allowed, but dangerous.
The robber can choose the starting position from warps or from where the last game ended.
Placing blocks is not allowed, but breaking them to make a path is.
Air 1 is the only one who can announce Go Robber and Go Cops.

wish i coulda made it, i had to wait a bit before i could use the internet. :’(
too bad i missed it sounded like fun.