carnifex2012 - 26th of January, 2015


Minecraft Username carnifex2012

Date of Ban 26th of January, 2015
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by niko12099

Reason for Ban general indecency

Reason to be Unbanned I was trying to get help from other people. I really am suicidal and wanted people who would listen. you kept on saying I wanted attention but I didn’t. You made me mad so I started arguing with the Moderators. Please consider this Ban Appeal.

[ Ban History ] 5 other ban appeals found
18th of January, 2015

11th of January, 2015

10th of January, 2015

9th of January, 2015

3rd of January, 2015

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You have been banned many times it seems. We are NOT a suicide hotline. It is not our job to deal with your drama. I apologize if I come off as brash, but really? We all have our own shit to deal with time to time. Doesn’t mean we need to start throwing out our stuff to everyone, and grab attention for ourselves by threatening suicide. I understand if you’re going through a rough time, but I was there. You weren’t doing anything besides whining and arguing when we asked you to stop.

You are really quite annoying with your behavior, as a person who struggles with depression on a daily fucking basis it is quite irritating and frustrating to have someone come on and do what you do, it makes people who actually have depression and suicidal tendencies look like a joke and not actually seem like a serious issue at all. I can understand going out of your comfort zone and asking for help, but the way you did it was not acceptable at all.

Get some fucking help.


I am totally fine with niko keeping him banned. We all told him many times to not talk about a topic like that publicly. Suicide is a serious topic and it is not something you should freely share with everyone. To be honest he ruined my day and I am hoping he will not be unbanned.

Niko’s actually banned him before, but was nice enough to unban him for his fourth offense.

You got a second chance, people fuck up sometimes.

Somehow you got a 3rd chance, some staff are lenient.

If you read through each of the ban appeals; only the second and third appeal were actual bans. The last two ban appeals were for him being IP Banned (someone may have IP Banned him or just glitched up) and the first one was a misunderstanding. So this is his third real appeal for being banned.

Either way, to this appeal. I understand if you’re going through a troublesome time, but as other staff have said this isn’t the place to be bringing this up. Talk to some friends you trust or your family, in private though. Not in a public space where everyone can hear you. Even if you weren’t meaning to bring much attention towards it, doing it this way makes it seem like you do. Regardless, you aren’t the only person going through rough times, I get that it can feel that way, but in reality you aren’t the only one.

If you are causing players and staff to have a harder time on the server, then I’m sorry but you will have to be leaving. I wish you the best of luck through your endeavors.

Ban appeal denied. Locked.