Ban Appeal on behalf of MattyWolffer

Minecraft Username: Mattywolffer
Approximate Date of Ban: 3 months ago
OP Who Banned You: Zakrox
Reason for Ban: Destroying one wool in his hut and killing his snow golem.
Reason for Unban: Im sorry. Destroying the one wool was an
accident and the snow golem can easily be replaced and I didn’t know that
there was a rule against killing snow golems.
Server: Survival

thats ALL he did?

are you kidding me?
we have NOT banned people for much more. as far as im concerned i wanna hear Zaks bit of this, and go from there.

yeah i bet. thats exactly why i want Zaks input on this…

I was there when this happened he also killed me and zak multiple times did not give our stuff back we had to invsee him and another guy called sharpshooter to get our items back, Zak temp banned them then tried to have a little talk with Matty but he did not cooperate so he banned him.

I am just stating everything that happened when I logged on I do not know if there is more that zak knows but this is all that I know. I don’t think he should be unbanned for he is not stating everything that happened and for breaking more than 1 rule.

i still wanna here from Zak, but that testimony, in itself, is enough for me. PVP without due process and stealing is not ok as far as im concerened.

I agree with everything that has been said, For now i don’t think he should be unbanned Until we hear Zaks oppinion

Let me just note PVP is 100% allowed outside spawn. Generally not OK without consent, but its allowed. You had the tools to get the items back. Am I missing something?

Note: I have a migraine so not thinking the best atm.

Sip, I was under the impression that PvP without consent is basically harassment. In this case, it clearly is because he killed them multiple times. I don’t think its a permabanable action, but a temp ban is likely. Permaban comes if the player continues to harass.

This player had his/her chance. No from me.

Okay, this is what happened. Mattywolfer and someone else (cant remember for the life of me) were new to the server at the same time in around 1.8, and were minding their own business, and then started to PvP everyone that was online. They also stole the inventories from said players. When asked to stop, they griefed my house/ farms, killing said golem(S) and then leaving. I had no choice but to ban. No from me.
EDIT: also, as sac said, i DID give them a fair chance, but they refused to cooperate.

well… then the answer is no. dont let the door hit you in the ass when you leave either.

No. Locked. Kyle you are correct.